Hi My Loves!!!
It's been a while since I've done a share the love type thing and I thought now was the time :) I don't actually get a chance to watch videos on You Tube anymore, but I find blogs are a lot quicker to catch up on in the middle of the night when I can't sleep from Pregnancy Insomnia..... Thanks ladies for passing the wee hours of the morning!!!
So here are my go to blogs. Some of them I have been following for quite a while, some I've only just discovered but love them already :) Definitely check these ladies out, if you haven't already!
I'll start with the BEAUTY Blogs.
My first is my lovely sista from anotha motha......
Anna Saccone! And no, we are not related in any way, just good friends.
I love Anna so much, she's super sweet and we have become great friends over our time on you tube. We are only 1 week apart from each other as far as our pregnancy goes, so if you are interested in pregnancy blogs, she does one every week. She also has super cute outfit posts as well as beauty posts too.
Next is the lovely Laura from
Buy Now, Blog Later. I actually used to watch her years ago when she used to make videos on You Tube. Now I follow her blog. She is all about fashion and beauty. She has some great outfit posts and I love her style. She always has great jewelry too!!!
Then we have the ever so popular
Kandee Johnson. Everybody knows Kandee. She was the first person I ever watched on You Tube. I loved her Halloween makeup tutorials and bubbly personality. Her beauty blog is super fun because it's so different everyday. She always has some new fun things to talk about and has a great positive attitude. She has a super fun, unique style and is an amazing makeup artist. She's also a Mama like me to 4 adorable kids, so I feel I can connect with her because we have that in common :)
I also follow her Mommy Blog too which is
Kandeeland. Her little Ellie just melts my heart, she is the cutest little thing! Her fun little posts of what her and her kids are up to are so cute. You can tell she is such a good Mommy and loves her kids so much! She also has great posts about fun things for kids, yummy recipes and just all around good Mom stuff :)
Then there is
Dulce Candy. I love her style. She is so fashionable and so cute! She is also another Mommy and I honestly don't know how she finds the time to look so snazzy and fabulous. She always has the snazziest shoes, jeans, jewelry, purses..... It's amazing! And her house is decorated super cute too! She also just opened up her own store, which has some super cute clothes and accessories in it, which she shows in her outfit posts. Plus she is so cute and tiny!! What I would do for her legs!!! When I see her outfit posts, I feel like such a bum, wearing my sweats all the time!! Haha.....

Next is the fabulous Louise from
Sprinkle of Glitter. She is SOOOOOOO fun! I love her. I feel like if we met, we would be instant best buddies.... she just is so funny, silly and random and I love her personality. She has a super cute blog about beauty, fashion and other fun stuff. She's also a Mama to an adorable little girl :) I actually have stolen a few of her ideas lately and the latest blog post she just did which is "How Much Is Your Face Worth?" might be showing up later this week on mine :) So thanks Louise for giving me such great ideas when I'm totally out of them :)
Now onto the HOME blogs.....
I have been following Jen's blog now
I Heart Organizing for a few months and absolutely love it!! She has some great tips on organizing pretty much every aspect of your home. Her house is so cute, she has amazing style and I love her room and furniture makeovers. She also features other organizing/DIY blogs as well, so you get a little bit of every thing when it comes to DIY and decor/organizational tips. If you go there and click on her Home Tour... you'll see how cute all of her different rooms are. The playroom is what initially caught my eye and how I found her..... but every room is just so fun!

Last but not least is a blog I just cam across thanks to Pinterest, just a few days ago. Virginia from
Live Love DIY. I think one of her rooms came up (maybe a bathroom or bedroom in the Home Decor on Pinterest) and it was so pretty. Bright, elegant and just my style. I went on over to her blog and loved what I saw. She again, has a beautiful home, amazing design style and super fun and creative DIY furniture, artwork etc. She has a great headboard tutorial and she also has redone some chairs that are so cute. If you are wanting to get into more DIY home decor but like me, don't really know what you are doing.... her posts are easy to follow and very thorough.... and EASY! She makes it look like anyone can do it. And how cute is her cat???
So there is my list of lovely ladies and there blogs that I think are a MUST to go on over and follow :) If you want to tell them I sent you then you can do that too! Some of them I know, some of them I don't.... I'm just a secret admirer, haha :)
Hope you guys like this post and if you have some blogs that you follow, that you think are super fabulous, then please let me know!!! I love a good blog and I hardly sleep anymore, so I need something to do on my phone, when it's 3am and everyone is asleep!
Thanks so much for reading!
Happy Tuesday :)