Hi My Loves!!
I was looking at some of mine and Jay's old pictures and I thought what a fun blog post it would be to do a "hairstyles I've had throughout the years" type thing :) I have had so many different colors, cuts, styles and I thought you guys might like to see! It was fun for me and Jay looking through them all. I actually forgot about half of them!
I categorized them into: Blonde, In Between Colors, Red, Brunette & of course my latest which was PINK :)
In each category I tried to put them in the order of the time that I had them. But they are not in the right time frame as far as the whole post goes. I had blonde, then dark, then blonde and short, then red etc...... :)
Let's get started with BLONDE!
This was my 21st birthday dinner :)
For the platinum I would get heavy foils using Paul Mitchell Dual Purpose Lightener with 20 Volume for 35 minutes.
Pigtails :) This is one of Jay's favorite pictures of me.
This was when I went to England to visit my family. I stayed for 5 weeks and it was such a nice vacation!
Halloweeny! I was a playboy bunny!
BEST TIME IN MY LIFE!! I met JAY :) <3 This was when we had first started dating.
I used to love the platinum :) My poor hair was so sad!

I was tanner than the cast of Jersey Shore!
A few months later, a little longer :)

Then I decided to add lowlights :) We used Paul Mitchell The Color 1/3 6R, 1/3 6G & 1/3 6WB with 20 volume.
We used to go to our pool all the time, I think this was a pool day hair :)
This was a few years later, so in between I had had long dark hair and wanted it to go back to blonde so I chopped it all off so I could bleach it without frying my hair off. I'm sure Jay hated it but he always said he liked it at the time ;)

It was definitely the shortest my hair has ever been, a little bit hard to get used to but I did love it for the first few months until it grew out to a mullet type thing :) But it was soooo easy to style! 2 minutes and I was done!
Here we bleached the whole head with Paul Mitchell Dual Purpose Lightener with 25 volume for 30 minutes, then toned it with Paul Mitchell 10CB with 20 volume & 3 purple shots for 15 minutes.

This was when it started becoming a mullet, the back grew out into a weird shape :( I had to pin it up all the time.
This was quite a few months later.... maybe 4 or 5. These were our before we get married pictures :) We took them a few weeks before the wedding :)
My bridal shower! It was 50's themed, so I went as Marilyn Monroe :) So fun!
The day before our wedding :) Isn't Jay hot??? I love when he has a tan! What a beaut! Again this was just Paul Mitchell Dual Purpose Lightener with 20 Volume in foils.
Our Wedding Day!
The wedding night back at the hotel :)
This was the day of our baby shower :) I had just highlighted my hair a few days before to try and get more of the orange out. We just used Paul Mitchell Dual Purpose Lightener with 20 Volume in foils.

Straight and smooth ;)
Loose waves
Up with curls.... cute and easy :)
Now the next category is the "IN BETWEEN COLORS"
I didn't know what colors to classify them as, so this is why they are in this ;)
This was my 25th birthday, Jay and I went out to a fabulous dinner.
You can see here my blonde was coming through with the red still on the ends.... Red was sooo hard to get out!
These were while I was preggy :)
Onto the RED!!
This was Valentine's Day 2010. I wanted a change from the platinum, so Jay colored my hair for me the night before :) We used Paul Mitchell PM Shines 8RO to fill the blonde first, then Paul Mitchell The Color 1/2 6RR 1/2 6RV with 20 Volume for 40 minutes.

Then I wanted bangs....
I loved the red. It was sooo shiny and healthy and beautiful but such a pain with the regrowth. I have naturally blonde ashy hair so the roots needed to be touched up every 3 weeks ;(

Here is the BRUNETTE hair ;)
I decided I wanted dark hair like my sister so Jay colored my hair for me :) We used Paul Mitchell 1/3 5R, 1/3 5G & 1/3 5WB with 20 Volume for 35 minutes.

I actually really loved this color too. It was sooo shiny and I was amazed at how people treated me a lot nicer than I was used to. It's amazing the difference in the way people view you when you are brunette vs blonde.

Then I got more layers in it ;)
Of course I got bored and wanted highlights after the dark.... so I added some in using Paul Mitchell Dual Purpose Lightener with 20 Volume.
This was taken at the salon I used to work at. We were having a going away party for me as I was moving to Hawaii :) That's why I have flowers around my neck :)
Me and Moosh!!
The 2nd day we were in Hawaii :) SO AMAZING!!!
Me and my sissy were waiting for a table for dinner. She used to live there too :) And my baby brothor!
The hot & humid weather made me want to cut my hair, so this was the first chop.
And then came the major cut. LOL. Plus I did it dark again. Blow drying long, thick hair in Hawaii was not fun! But I did love this haircut so much!! It was so fun :)
Here we were at the Aquarium in Honolulu. My hair had grown out a bit and I added some highlights ;)
Still growing.
A cute little bob :)
Now onto the BEST of all! My very FAVORITE was the PINK :) Of course!!!
I did this for Breast Cancer Awareness, seeing as my Mom passed away from it when I was 14.
For the pink I used Scruples Urban Shock Pink in foils for 35 minutes.
Of course like always I got tired of that too. It's a good thing I don't get bored of Jay like I do my hair!! LOL
This wasn't my real hair, the bottom was but one of my subbies added the purple in for me on a photoshop thingy :) It;s so fun and whimsical, one of my favorite pictures of life!
Then I chopped my hair off again and went back to blonde.
And this is what I looked like a few mornings ago :) Haha... Moral of the story is, you mess with your hair too much, you end of looking like poop. No I'm only joking :) You guys know what my hair looks like now ;)
But this is probably one of the best hairstyles I've ever had :) Hahaha! Mommy bed head ;)
Here is Jay's exciting hair change.... LOL! The one time he let me do something different with it :) I though it was hot!
Hope you guys liked my "Hair Throughout the Years"
Sorry it wasn't organized by time.... it might be a bit confusing, but that's not the point. The point was to show you all my different hair styles ;)
Wonder what I will do next???
I never know until it hits me all of a sudden.
Thanks for reading!
Happy Hair Day!