Saturday, August 31, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Back In My Home Town!
Hi My Loves!!!
This week we had an amazing time visiting the town that I grew up in on and off for most of my life. The ever so beautiful South Lake Tahoe. I went to elementary, 6th & 7th grade and then moved back there again for 10th grade and stayed there until I met Jay when I was 21, so a good portion of my life I was there. I do consider Tahoe my home. I had so many great memories there, my Mom was still healthy and we had such a great childhood there and I didn't realize how much I missed it until we went back this week. It's funny how that happens.
We decided to go to my very favorite restaurant Sprouts and had their Classic Burrito, which was just as good as I remembered. Instead of sitting there, we decided to take it to Regan Beach and had a lovely time afterwards snapping some pictures by the gorgeous lake.
Here's some of the pictures we took :)
Had to get a couple of pictures with the whole family. We are a bit squished and I think Phoenix is trying to poke Moo's ear haha!
Moo looks drunk here :)
Tahoe is beautiful and I think it's more beautiful than I remember. If you've never visited you must! The weather is perfect in the Summer, you really can't beat it. I'm so excited because tomorrow we are heading back up to the lake again to catch up with some old friends so be sure to tune in to our vlogs :)
Here's a trip down memory lane....
(go and see some of the places I lived in Tahoe.... there's a lot haha)
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
My Name is Sam and I'm a........ English FoodAHolic :)
Hi My Loves!!!
Today's video is a super fun TAG I decided to start (if there is one out there like this already.... well darn I thought I was being original haha)..... If you don't know this already I was born in England and lived there on an off for my younger and teen years. There are so many things I miss about England and that's what this tag is all about!! So the Tag is called..... 10 Things I Miss About... (and then here you put where it is you are talking about) I TAG YOU ALL!!!
This blog post is going to be dedicated specifically to all of the food that I miss and long for from England. I'm sure I've missed a lot but here are the foods that I could think of off the top of my head.
Petit Filous Yogurt
Yes it's for children and it's so tiny but it's so yummy!!!! I love the texture and the flavor. I could eat these all day long for the rest of my life! YUM!!!
Cadbury's Dairy Milk Buttons & Giant Buttons
I love Cadbury's chocolate. It's especially good in the form of a button and even better if they are giant. Best chocolate ever, I absolutely love these and could pig out on them all day.
Cadbury Time Out
These are one of my all time favorite chocolate bars of all time. It's the best! They have a lovely wafer, with flakey chocolate and then covered in chocolate. Amazing, delightful.... the best!
Crumpets are one of the things I miss the very most. Not to be confused with an English muffin, these are nothing like an English muffin other than the shape. They are soft and the butter melts into the little wholes and oozes out when you take a bite. Delicious!!!
Elmlea Double Cream
This is my favorite addition to my Nanny's Apple Crumble. She makes it the best I have ever had and this cream just makes it that much better!!
Monster Munch Pickled Onion
I love these as a snack. I'm not much of a chip or crisp kind of person but these are such a yummy flavor and great texture. Plus they are in the shape of Monster feet so you can't go wrong.
Wotsits are like cheetos but better :) That's all. Haha
My other favorite candy bar.... these are just so yummy. It's a flakey chocolate inside of more chocolate and they are the best!! Can you tell I miss all the junk food from England haha!!
Heinz Sticky Toffee Pudding
Sticky toffee pudding with Elmlea cream over... I'm drooling all ready. It's like a caramel, moist delicious cake with extra toffee goodness all over. YUM!
Heinz Chocolate Pudding
Basically the same as the sticky toffee pudding but chocolate. I eat this with cream too :)
Full English Breakfast
You can't go to England without having a full english breakfast!! It's all in the beans! You can always find a great English breakfast at the airport which I always make sure I eat before I leave on each visit. Jay is OBSESSED with this :) The bacon in England is way different than ours over here and it's so good!
I love Alpen for breakfast. I like to put just enough milk in so make it kind of soft but not too much because then it ruins it. There is a science to eating Alpen you know :)
Weetabix is another great cereal that super healthy. I actually used to find this at ALbertsons (ridiculously over priced over here at $6 a box) but I ate it while I was pregnant with Lily to help me be more regular (sorry TMI)... you know how it goes when you are preggy :)
Muller Corner (any of them really)
I do quite enjoy the naughty ones with the milk chocolate digestives in them, or choco balls or anything sweet really haha!!
Maltesers are like Whoppers but they don't taste so malty like Whoppers do. They are also slighty softer for the inside and the chocolate is slightly richer :)
My all time favorite drink! It's a blackcurrant drink that you add to water to get the most refreshing, delicious drink in the world and I am OBSESSED with it.
English Fish & Chips
You can't go to England and not try the fish and chips. They are famous for it. There is just something about the fish and chips being rolled up in paper and doused with vinegar. It makes the chips super soft and yummy and the batter amazing on the fish. The pieces of fish are huge and so good!!
Jacket Potato with Baked Beans & Cheese
I could live on this. They actually have stalls at fairs where you can have pretty much anything on a jacket potato (a baked potato). Tuna and sweetcorn, beans and cheese.... and lots more that I can't think of but these are amazing.
After writing this blog post, I've come to the conclusion that it's probably a good thing I don't live there because all I would do is eat and as you can tell it's all pretty fattening haha!!! I have the worst sweet tooth!
So there's a few of the things I miss from England. If only I could just go back every 3 months and pig out haha!!
If you have ever lived in England, what do you miss to eat?
Thanks for reading/watching!
Be sure to see where we are right now.... I'm not typing this from home :)
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Loreal Magic Nude Liquid Powder First Impressions!
Hi My Loves!!
I picked up the new Loreal Magic Nude Liquid Powder and as promised here is my first impressions of it. I purchased mine at Ulta for $12.99. Make sure you check for Ulta coupons on your phone before you go. They usually have a $3.50 off $10 which always helps :)
The opening is small and the container is glass. I must admit I'm not keen on the packaging of this foundation. Glass is not the best for traveling and because this foundation is literally like water, this could be a gigantic mess if you are not careful (or have young children haha)....
To match my self tanned body I picked up the color 324 Buff Beige which I feel was a perfect match to my neck and body once it was all blended in. I don't apply self tanner to my face, as it breaks me out super bad so this color is wayyyyyy darker than my face but you want to make sure your foundation matches your neck/chest when you are all finished :) It also has an SPF of 18 so perfect for these hot summer days!
Here's a picture with flash after 5 hours of wearing it. I was super impressed with the fact that there was no white cast even though it has an SPF of 18. I didn't get a chance to take a picture at night so I don't know how good it would be in a super dark area but as far as a semi dark room it was pretty darn good ;)

For the makeup I'm wearing here........
Loreal Magic Nude Liquid Powder in 324 Buff Beige
Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Undereye Concealer in Light w/ P88
NYC Smooth Skin Bronzing Powder in Sunny w/F40
Sheer Cover Pressed Mineral Blush in Pinched w/F10
MAC Veronica's Blush (highlight) w/F25
Mac Paint in Bare Canvas
Maybelline Define A Brow in Medium Brown
Essence Sun Club Glamour To Go Eyeshadow w/ E55 & E35
BH Cosmetics Liquid Eye Liner
Jordana Best Lash Extreme
Elf Matte Lip Color in Tea Rose
Natural Collection Lipstick in Rose Petal
Bonne Bell LipLites in Strawberry
Bonne Bell LipLites in Strawberry
Thanks for watching/reading!
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