I have about 1/2 an hour before Mr. P needs to eat, this is the first time I've even been on the computer! My baby sistor is holding Mr. P right now and Jay is cooking dinner for us! So I thought I would give you guys a quick update on our BEAUTIFUL ANGEL!!!
We went into the hospital for our induction at 10am on Feb 13th..... started pitocin at 11am.... epidural at 5pm, started pushing at around 9:15 and he was born at 10:12pm that night! He weighed 7lbs 7oz, 19 inches long and his head and chest were both 13 1/2 inches :)
He is the most beautiful, amazing, wonderful baby ever and we are so in love with him. He is such a good baby, barely wimpers when he's upset and he's already smiling and making little cooing noises which is sooo cute! He just melts our hearts! All of the pain and lack of sleep is SO WORTH IT!!!! I couldn't imagine a more perfect baby! And I think he looks just like Jay :)
Thank you to everyone who has left such lovely comments and followed the whole labor etc! I don't know when I will be back into the "you tube world" but once things settle down and I'm feeling better, then we will def be presenting him in a video, along with our labor and delivery story etc.......
Here are some pictures of him when he was not even an hour old! This was about 1/2 hr after delivery :)
To my beautiful hubby Jay: I love you more than words can describe, THANK YOU so much for giving me the most beautiful Valentines gift I could have ever imagined. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have you, you are my best friend, my one and only love and the best husband and Dad in the universe. I don't know what I would do without you, I can't imagine my life if you weren't in it and I am amazed with you everyday. Thank you for asking me to marry you. It was the best thing I have ever done and now we have made the best thing you can make in our lifetime! I love you baby. xx

This is my baby sistor Christiana! She has been so amazing, she was there the entire labor and filmed him being born. We are so grateful to her, she has been staying with us since he was born and has been such a blessing. We are so lucky to have her with us. So THANK YOU baby sistor! I love you so much and I am so thankful to have you in our lives! You are the best sister and aunt anyone could ask for! Mr. Phoenix is so lucky to have you :)
Thank you my loves for all of your support and kind words in this very special time in our lives, I'm glad we can share it with you all :)