Happy New Year!
Can you believe it's 2018 already? I'm not sure if you feel the same but 2017 flew by in a blink. Every year, I set myself some New Year's Resolutions, so today I'm going to be sharing mine with you!
#1. Taking care of Me
As Moms, I think we are all guilty of putting ourselves on the backburner when it comes to our health. I always put the kids first, so sometimes I'm not quite as good at taking time for me. Even when I get sick, instead of resting, I'll be up doing laundry, cleaning, working or whatever it is I feel like I need to do. I have a hard time sitting still and that's what I would like to work on this year. Taking the time to realize when I need to stop and take a minute, to make sure that I'm my healthiest, so I can continue being my best self for my kids.
As most of you know, I had clear aligners to straighten my teeth. While I absolutely love the results of my nice straight smile, it took a toll on my gums because of all of the movement of my teeth. When I found out that Crest had a new toothpaste, specifically for gum health, I was really excited to try it out! It's exactly what I need to keep my gums healthy at home in between appointments for my cleanings at the dentist.
I've partnered up with Crest to share a few of the benefits of Crest Gum Detoxify toothpaste, so I'll be sharing what the toothpaste does, as well as my personal experience using it.
The toothpaste is formulated with Activated Foam technology that reaches below the gum line. This significantly improves gum health, leading to clinically proven healthier gums! It neutralizes harmful bacteria, even below the gum line so you can ensure to get an even, all over clean every time you brush. In fact, ninety-nine percent of gingivitis patients showed reduced gum bleeding and inflammation in eight weeks after using Crest Gum Detoxify. It's available in Deep Clean, Extra Fresh, Gentle Whitening and Two-Step. You can pick one up for yourself in your local drugstore and mass retailers, as well as online too!!
I love Crest products because they keep me confident with a nice bright smile, and now with Gum Detoxify Toothpaste, I know my gums are healthy too.
So now that I've shared what Crest says about Crest Gum Detoxify Toothpaste, I'll share my experience using it. You all know I've been a huge fan of Crest for a long time now. I've been using their products for years and I'm constantly getting complimented on how nice my teeth are. I've also recently added their whitestrips into my routine, because I started drinking more tea and coffee and wanted to make sure my teeth were still sparkly white. So needless to say, I'm already a fan.
The Gum Detoxify Deep Clean is a creamy paste, so you don't need very much. It's fresh when you use it but doesn't burn or taste too minty, and it's very cooling on the gums. It leaves your breath feeling nice and fresh once you've finished, which is always a plus. Overall, I'm really happy with it. The packaging is also really nice, because it stays standing up nicely in my toothbrush cup. It's the little things right?? By switching out your toothpaste to Crest Gum Detoxify, you'll be on your way to healthier gums, with no added steps to your normal routine. It's a win win!
Get your toothpaste HERE!!

The Crest Gum Detoxify Toothpaste stands up without falling over and the design of the cap keeps it clean and tidy.
So #ForGumsSake... if you're looking for an easy way to "get healthier" this year, then pick up Crest Gum Detoxify Toothpaste! Gum health is so important and your mouth will thank you! :) You can also find out more about Gum Detoxify at https://crest.com/en-us and @Crest on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
#2. Being more active and mindful of what I eat.
I've been very naughty these past few months with my lack of control in the chocolate department. Not only have I had a few too many chocolate biscuits, but I've been enjoying a Fruit & Nut chocolate bar every now and then, while watching my favorite show in the evening. Tsk Tsk. I mean everything in moderation... but when do you draw the line? Once you step on the scale and realize you worked your butt off all Spring and Summer to lose 15 pounds, to see that you've gained five of those pounds back?? Total bummer!! So I'm not going to deprive myself, but I do need to ask myself, "do you really need that chocolate? Or are you just being a greedy little piggy?" LOL.
I also stopped running sprints because once school started, the track was no longer available at the time we had been using it to exercise. Also, it's dang cold here. When it's icy, the last thing I want to do is go and risk my life from slipping, for some sprints. Then I see an 80 year old man running on the side of the road in the freezing cold and think, ok I need to step it up!! I'm not saying I'm going to be as awesome as that determined old man, but I do want to make a conscious effort to be more active. Even if it's just doing some exercises at home in the evening, or parking further away from the store, those little things are a step in a healthier direction. Once school is out and I can have my favorite track back, I'll be really happy and I can go back to sprinting. But for now, I'll try my very best to continue to find ways to be active during these cold months. And I'll TRY to lay off the chocolate.
#3. Decluttering
While I had some time off for Christmas, I found myself noticing things I hadn't really been aware of while I was running around like a crazy woman trying to balance work and motherhood. For example, the eight million throw pillows I've shoved into my linen closet. Or the endless pairs of shoes that don't even fit me because my feet shrunk. I haven't even worn them for years, yet I still keep them. That makes no sense. I have an owl cookie jar, that I don't like, but yet I still keep it in my pantry even though there are no cookies in it and it doesn't match my decor. So this year, I've promised myself to declutter. If I haven't worn it or displayed it, it's going. I already did a massive clear out of clothes and shoes that I've been hanging on to for years that I've never touched. My next job is to tackle the bathroom. Those drawers and cupboards are a war zone and quite frankly, I'm scared. There are so many products shoved in there because I have no more room to put anything. So I'm going to do a major declutter, room by room. I think it will feel really nice to be a little lighter in the "stuff" section of my life.
#4. Drink more water
If you've been following me for years, you'll know this is a recurring resolution. I always start off great and by the end of the year, I'm constantly telling myself, to drink more water. We all know the benefits. It's just doing it that's hard.
#5. Get out of my comfort zone
Last but not least is to get out of my comfort zone. This is very hard for me because I'm a creature of habit. I always order the exact same thing at restaurants, in fear that if I order something new, I won't like it and then it will be a waste of money and I'll wish I would have stuck with my regular. This applies to all aspects of my life. I want to try things I wouldn't normally do. We recently just started watching a show that is unlike anything I would usually choose. My friend recommended it to us and at first I thought, no I wouldn't like that, but then I thought... why not? You might end up liking a different genre of shows. So Jay and I watched it. I was sucked in on the first episode. It was unlike anything I really would ever choose to watch, but even so, it was great. So once we finished with that, we picked another show that was similar. And now I'm super into crime/investigation shows! Who knew? I've always been a Kardashians/Bachelor type girl but now I feel like I've gotten out of my comfort zone (even if it is just TV shows) and I've added a new thing to my list of interests. So that was quite exciting. I know, my life is quite glamorous!!
So there's my list of resolutions. What are yours?
#Sponsored by Crest